FAR/ANSEF/ICTP Summer School in Yerevan announced

In collaboration with the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), FAR/ANSEF announce the 2019 Summer School and Conference on Complex Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium in Many-Body Physics and Beyond.

The first week of this activity (May 27-31) will consist of introductory lectures aimed at graduate students, postdocs, and junior researchers. Topics include – far from equilibrium physics, many-body coherent dynamics, Anderson and many-body localization, and quantum information processing from many-body physics perspective. In the second week (June 3-7), there will be conference-style talks on these subjects as well as on a broader array of topics at the forefront of modern research in condensed matter physics and related areas.

For more information, visit the school’s site at YerPhi and ICTP

FAR/ANSEF support Yerevan Summer School

For the second year, FAR/ANSEF joined forces with ICTP (ictp.it) to organize a highly successful Summer school in theoretical physics in Yerevan. About 70 scholars from Armenia and the region participated, with lecturers coming from the UK, Ireland, Greece, and Germany. The school was followed by a workshop bringing scientists from the region together, discussing topics such as quantum gravity, string theory, particle physics, and supersymmetry. The school's website includes videos of the lectures:

2018 Summer School

ANSEF announces 2019 competition

The Armenian National Science & Education Fund invites grant applications for the 2019 competition. Applicants are to submit their applications through the ANSEF website portal, accessed from the top bar of the ANSEF website (www.ansef.org) or directly through the link ansef.herokuapp.com . The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2018. Competition results will be announced early April 2019. Please note the date changes from previous years. For further questions, contact help@ansef.org . Three of the 2019 ANSEF awards will be provided to young scientists under the age of 35 through the support of the Young Scientists Support Program of RA.

If you have applied for an ANSEF grant in the past through our portal, you may use your old account to submit new applications. If you have forgotten your password, the portal allows you to reset it and log in with a new password. This allows you to access all your past information in your new proposals. Watch the video tutorials on the portal’s login page for more instructions.

If you are a new applicant who have not used the ANSEF portal before, you need to use the portal to first register. You will then receive an email to confirm your new account, and then proceed with logging in.

For any technical questions about the ANSEF portal, please contact website@ansef.org .

ANSEF announced 2018 awards

The ANSEF Review Board - with the help of 18 referees - has finished a five month long review of a total of 247 submitted proposals. The Board has identified the 26 proposals with the highest scores as the recipients of the ANSEF 2018 awards.

The full list of the awardees may be found at: 2018 awards

ANSEF 2018 grants delayed

The ANSEF Research Board informs all applicants that the announcement of the 2018 ANSEF grants will be delayed this year. Due to logistical issues, and an unusually wide spectrum of research areas represented that require reaching out to many more additional reviewers, the grants recipients will instead be announced by mid-February 2018.

The grants will still be for 12 months of research that starts in January 2018 and ends in December 2018 as outlined in the proposals, but the funds will be available mid-February. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Please note that, from January to mid-February, applicants will not be able to access the ANSEF portal.

ANSEF announces 2018 competition

The Armenian National Science & Education Fund invites grant applications for the 2018 competition. Applicants are to submit their applications through the ANSEF website portal, accessed from the top bar of the ANSEF website (www.ansef.org) or directly through the link ansef.herokuapp.com . The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2017. Competition results will be announced early January 2018. For further questions, contact help@ansef.org . 

For 2018, we have funds for a total of 27 grants. Three of these are provided through the support of the Young Scientists Support Program under the auspices of the RA President..

If you have applied for an ANSEF grant in the past through our portal, you may use your old account to submit new applications. If you have forgotten your password, the portal allows you to reset it and log in with a new password. This allows you to access all your past information in your new proposals. Watch the video tutorials on the portal’s login page for more instructions.

If you are a new applicant who have not used the ANSEF portal before, you need to use the portal to first register. You will then receive an email to confirm your new account, and then proceed with logging in.

For any technical questions about the ANSEF portal, please contact website@ansef.org .



ANSEF announces 2017 awards

The ANSEF Review Board - with the help of 22 referees - has finished a three month long review of a total of 206 submitted proposals. The Board has identified the 30 proposals with the highest scores as the recipients of the ANSEF 2017 awards.

The full list of the awardees may be found at: 2017 awards

ANSEF announces 2017 competition

The Armenian National Science & Education Fund invites grant applications for the 2017 competition. Applicants are to submit their applications through the ANSEF website portal, accessed from the top bar of the ANSEF website (www.ansef.org) or directly through the link ansef.herokuapp.com . The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2016. Competition results will be announced early January 2017. For further questions, contact help@ansef.org . 

For 2017, we have funds for a total of 30 grants. Five of these are provided through the support of the Young Scientists Support Program under the auspices of the RA President..

If you have applied for an ANSEF grant in the past through our portal, you may use your old account to submit new applications. If you have forgotten your password, the portal allows you to reset it and log in with a new password. This allows you to access all your past information in your new proposals. Watch the video tutorials on the portal’s login page for more instructions.

If you are a new applicant who have not used the ANSEF portal before, you need to use the portal to first register. You will then receive an email to confirm your new account, and then proceed with logging in.

For any technical questions about the ANSEF portal, please contact website@ansef.org .

ANSEF announces 2016 awards

The ANSEF Review Board - with the help of 24 referees - has finished a three month long review of a total of 244 submitted proposals. The Board has identified the 32 proposals with the highest scores as the recipients of the ANSEF 2016 awards.

The full list of the awardees may be found at: 2016 awards

ANSEF rolls out updated website

Today, ANSEF rolled out a redesigned website, with more resources for applicants and visitors. In the next few weeks, the ANSEF Portal will also be revised and redesigned based on feedback from our users over the past years.


The Armenian National Science & Education Fund invites grant applications for the 2016 competition. Applicants are to submit their applications through the ANSEF website portal, accessed from the top bar of the ANSEF website (www.ansef.org) or directly through the link ansef.herokuapp.com . The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2015. Competition results will be announced early January 2016. For further questions, contact help@ansef.org . 

For 2016, we have funds for a total of 31 grants. Five of these are provided through the support of the Young Scientists Council of Armenia, and one through the Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America.

If you have applied for an ANSEF grant in the past through our portal, you may use your old account to submit new applications. If you have forgotten your password, the portal allows you to reset it and log in with a new password. This allows you to access all your past information in your new proposals. Watch the video tutorials on the portal’s login page for more instructions.

If you are a new applicant who have not used the ANSEF portal before, you need to use the portal to first register. You will then receive an email to confirm your new account, and then proceed with logging in.

For any technical questions about the ANSEF portal, please contact website@ansef.org .

ANSEF announces 2015 awards

The ANSEF Review Board - with the help of 17 referees - has finished a three month long review of a total of 174 submitted proposals. The Board has identified the 30 proposals with the highest scores as the recipients of the ANSEF 2015 awards. Two of these are the Armenian National Young Scientists Awards. 

The full list of the awardees may be found at: 2015 awards

ANSEF announces 2015 competition

The Armenian National Science & Education Fund invites grant applications for the 2015 competition. Applicants are to submit their applications through the ANSEF website portal, accessed from the top bar of the ANSEF website (www.ansef.org) or directly through the link ansef.herokuapp.com . The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2014. Competition results will be announced by January 1, 2015. For further questions, contact help@ansef.org . 

If you have applied for an ANSEF grant in the past through our portal, you may use your old account to submit new applications. If you have forgotten your password, the portal allows you to reset it and log in with a new password. This allows you to access all your past information in your new proposals. Watch the video tutorials on the portal’s login page for more instructions.

If you are a new applicant who have not used the ANSEF portal before, you need to use the portal to first register. You will then receive an email to confirm your new account, and then proceed with logging in.

For any technical questions about the ANSEF portal, please contact website@ansef.org .